Falcon Punch

Falcon Punch

Falcon Punch started Roller Derby in Montreal in 2011 and has been part of Montreal’s A-Team, The New Skids on the Block, since 2015. She was a skater for Team France during the 2014 B&T World Cup in Dallas and represented Canada at the 2018 Roller Derby World Cup in Manchester. She’s been a jammer since day one but jumps on any occasion she can to practice blocking!

Her sports background is quite diverse and totally unrelated to roller sports or team sports. Young Falcon was more into gymnastics, horseback riding and snowboarding, and later on Muay Thai. “Roller derby was my first experience at a team sport, and it changed my life. Not only does it includes all the things that I love in sports (strategy, agility, flexibility, strength, and aggressiveness) but it also gave me the opportunity to travel and meet some of the most incredible people I know.”


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